
Strategic Mobile Design: Creating Engaging Experiences - pdf

Strategic Mobile Design: Creating Engaging ExperiencesBook Description
This book gives anyone interested in mobile campaigns, both client-side and production-side, the knowledge to approach a mobile project with a cohesive strategy. The book presents a holistic view of the mobile ecosystem design/technology/marketing/business/build, with enough information to get one started with a project of this nature.

Communicating with an audience via a mobile device requires a lot of thought, and choosing the right approach to your promotion project will give you the greatest chance for success.
The success of a mobile campaign not only relies on the target audiences’ mobile behaviors and usage trends, but also on the promotional visibility of the campaign and the audiences’ exposure to the promotions. As with traditional media projects, mobile promotions need to be strategic in their delivery and incorporate their audiences’ choice of environments.

Analyzing users’ interactions within these additional spaces helps define the best mode of communication, or if the project needs to make use of all modes as part of a multichannel campaign. Examples of these modes of communication are:

  1. Mobile to mobile
  2. Web to mobile
  3. OOH (Out of Home) or print to mobile
  4. Broadcast to mobile
  5. Radio to mobile

A true multichannel project considers and executes on all of these modes of communication. The project’s message is then well represented in each channel; each channel supports the others with a unique experience and a cohesive theme exclusive to that channel.

With this model, the most important factor is that the content and approach in each channel must complement, not replicate, each other. Each channel’s delivery has its own unique benefits that only that channel can provide. In addition, each channel must not be used just for the sake of using it—be smart in the strategy.

Integrating mobile into any traditional media campaign is extremely valuable, since users carry their mobile devices at nearly all times. Content placed in the mobile space can support traditional media content and create an extensive experience for the project, product, or brand. It can be used to answer any immediate questions that users have regarding content in the other channels, thus providing immediate gratification with the project.

Book Details

  • Paperback: 224 pages
  • Publisher: New Riders Press; 1 edition (December 12, 2008)
  • Language: English
  • ISBN-10: 0321580079
  • ISBN-13: 978-0321580078
  • File Size: 3.2 MiB
  • Hits: 862 times