
Hackers: Heroes of the Computer Revolution - pdf

Hackers: Heroes of the Computer RevolutionBook Description
This 25th anniversary edition of Steven Levy’s classic book traces the exploits of the computer revolution’s original hackers — those brilliant and eccentric nerds from the late 1950s through the early ’80s who took risks, bent the rules, and pushed the world in a radical new direction. With updated material from noteworthy hackers such as Bill Gates, Mark Zukerberg, Richard Stallman, and Steve Wozniak, Hackers is a fascinating story that begins in early computer research labs and leads to the first home computers.

Levy profiles the imaginative brainiacs who found clever and unorthodox solutions to computer engineering problems. They had a shared sense of values, known as “the hacker ethic,” that still thrives today. Hackers captures a seminal period in recent history when underground activities blazed a trail for today’s digital world, from MIT students finagling access to clunky computer-card machines to the DIY culture that spawned the Altair and the Apple II.

About the Author
Levy is a senior writer for Wired. Previously, he was chief technology writer and a senior editor for Newsweek. Levy has written six books and had articles published in Harper’s, Macworld, The New York Times Magazine, The New Yorker, Premiere, and Rolling Stone. Steven has won several awards during his 30+ years of writing about technology, including Hackers, which PC Magazine named the best Sci-Tech book written in the last twenty years and, Crypto, which won the grand eBook prize at the 2001 Frankfurt Book festival.

Book Details

  • Paperback: 528 pages
  • Publisher: O’Reilly Media; 1 edition (May 20, 2010)
  • Language: English
  • ISBN-10: 1449388396
  • ISBN-13: 978-1449388393
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Hackers & Painters: Big Ideas from the Computer Age - pdf

Hackers &  Painters: Big Ideas from the Computer AgeBook Description
“The computer world is like an intellectual Wild West, in which you can shoot anyone you wish with your ideas, if you’re willing to risk the consequences. ” –from Hackers & Painters: Big Ideas from the Computer Age, by Paul Graham

We are living in the computer age, in a world increasingly designed and engineered by computer programmers and software designers, by people who call themselves hackers. Who are these people, what motivates them, and why should you care?

Consider these facts: Everything around us is turning into computers. Your typewriter is gone, replaced by a computer. Your phone has turned into a computer. So has your camera. Soon your TV will. Your car was not only designed on computers, but has more processing power in it than a room-sized mainframe did in 1970. Letters, encyclopedias, newspapers, and even your local store are being replaced by the Internet.

Hackers & Painters: Big Ideas from the Computer Age, by Paul Graham, explains this world and the motivations of the people who occupy it. In clear, thoughtful prose that draws on illuminating historical examples, Graham takes readers on an unflinching exploration into what he calls “an intellectual Wild West.”

The ideas discussed in this book will have a powerful and lasting impact on how we think, how we work, how we develop technology, and how we live. Topics include the importance of beauty in software design, how to make wealth, heresy and free speech, the programming language renaissance, the open-source movement, digital design, internet startups, and more.

About the Author
Paul Graham , designer of the new Arc language, was the creator of Yahoo Store, the first web-based application. His technique for spam filtering inspired most current filters. He has a PhD in Computer Science from Harvard and studied painting at RISD and the Accademia in Florence.

Book Details

  • Paperback: 272 pages
  • Publisher: O’Reilly Media; 1 edition (May 1, 2010)
  • Language: English
  • ISBN-10: 1449389554
  • ISBN-13: 978-1449389550
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The Myths of Innovation - pdf

The Myths of InnovationBook Description
How do you determine whether a hot new technology will succeed or fail? Or where the next big idea will come from? If you subscribe to the popular myths of innovation, it’s impossible to answer these questions. Our beliefs about how new ideas come about are based on wishful thinking and romanticized ideas of history — like the story of how Newton discovered gravity when an apple hit him on the head.

In the new paperback edition of The Myths of Innovation, bestselling author Scott Berkun takes a careful look at the history of innovation, including the recent software and Internet age, to reveal powerful truths about how ideas become successful innovations — truths that people can apply to the challenges of the present day. By understanding how Einstein’s discovery of E=mc2 or Tim Berner Lee’s creation of the Web were based on the re-use of work done by others, you will see new ways to develop existing knowledge into new innovations.

Each entertaining chapter centers on breaking apart a powerful myth. Through Berkun’s extensive research into the truth about past innovations in technology, business and science, you’ll learn lessons from the expensive failures and dramatic successes of innovations past, and understand how innovators achieved what they did — and what you need to do to be an innovator yourself. You’ll discover:

  • Why breakthrough thinking takes time
  • How all stories of innovations are distorted by the history effect
  • How to overcome people’s resistance to new ideas
  • Why all innovation is a collaborative process
  • How innovation depends on persuasion
  • Why problems are more important than solutions
  • How the good innovation is the enemy of the great
  • Why the biggest challenge is knowing when it’s good enough

About the Author
Scott Berkun worked on the Internet Explorer team at Microsoft from 1994-1999 and left the company in 2003 with the goal of writing enough books to fill a shelf. The Myths of Innovation is his second book: he wrote the best seller, The Art of Project Management (O’Reilly 2005). He makes a living writing, teaching and speaking. He teaches a graduate course in creative thinking at the University of Washington, runs the sacred places architecture tour at NYC’s GEL conference, and writes about innovation, design and management at http://www.scottberkun.com.

Book Details

  • Hardcover: 192 pages
  • Publisher: O’Reilly Media; 1 edition (May 15, 2007)
  • Language: English
  • ISBN-10: 0596527055
  • ISBN-13: 978-0596527051
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Microsoft PowerPoint 2010 Plain & Simple - pdf

Microsoft PowerPoint 2010 Plain & SimpleBook Description
Get the guide that makes learning Microsoft PowerPoint 2010 plain and simple! This full color, no-nonsense book shows you the quickest ways to solve problems and learn the tools, using easy-to-follow steps and concise, straightforward language. You’ll discover new and exciting ways to create and share dynamic presentations with any audience.

Here’s WHAT you’ll learn:

  • Create dynamic presentations for your audience
  • Include charts, tables, clip art, and other graphics
  • Add video clips and CD music
  • Animate slide and add transition effects
  • Edit and polish your presentations with ease
  • Create speaker notes and record narration

Here’s HOW you’ll learn it:

  • Jump in whenever you need answers
  • Easy-to-follow STEPS and SCREENSHOTS show exactly what to do
  • Handy TIPS teach new techniques and shortcuts
  • Quick TRY THIS! exercises help apply what you learn right away

About the Author
Nancy Muir is the Vice President of Content and Curriculum for Look Both Ways Foundation, a non-profit organization committed to helping people of all ages stay safer online. She is also the author of more than fifty books on technology topics, including Microsoft® Office PowerPoint® 2007 Plain & Simple and the bestselling Computers For Seniors For Dummies from Wiley Publishing. Over the years, Nancy has worked in the software and book publishing industries as well as academia, and has served as a consultant to major technology companies.

Book Details

  • Paperback: 272 pages
  • Publisher: Microsoft Press; 1 edition (June 2, 2010)
  • Language: English
  • ISBN-10: 0735627282
  • ISBN-13: 978-0735627284
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The Simple Dollar: How One Man Wiped Out His Debts and Achieved the Life of His Dreams - pdf

The Simple Dollar: How One Man Wiped Out His Debts and Achieved the Life of His DreamsBook Description
Struggling with debt? – Frustrated about work? – Just not satisfied with life?

"Trent Hamm set out to boost his happiness by freeing himself from debt. This account of how he succeeded, and how he was able to construct the life he'd always wanted, will inspire readers to put his ideas to work in their own lives."
–Gretchen Rubin, author of the #1 New York Times best seller, THE HAPPINESS PROJECT

"The Simple Dollar paves the way to an uncluttered financial and richly rewarding life. Trent's experiential advice prepares readers for the expected–and most importantly the unexpected–complexities of the modern economic world. Live debt free, mind the gap, and find a framework to get the secure and happy life you desire."
–Erin Rooney Doland, author of Unclutter Your Life in One Week and Editor-in-Chief, Unclutterer.com

"If you feel like your finances are out of control, read The Simple Dollar. Trent Hamm burns with the unforgettable fire of someone who has gone from debt to wealth, and this book can inspire you to do the same."
–J.D. Roth, author of Your Money: The Missing Manual and editor of GetRichSlowly.org

The Simple Dollar can change your life.
Trent Hamm found himself drowning in consumer debt, working in a job he couldn't stand… and figured out how to escape that debt and build the fulfilling career he'd always dreamt about, all at the same time.

Hamm shared his experiences at TheSimpleDollar.com—and built it into one of America's top personal finance websites. Now, The Simple Dollar is a book: packed with practical tips, tools, and lessons you can use to transform your life, too.

This isn't just "another" personal finance book: it's profoundly motivating, empowering, practical, and 100% grounded in today's American realities. Trent Hamm will show you how to rewrite the rules, creating healthier relationships with money… and with your loved ones, too. With his help, you can get out of debt, start moving forward, and build the strong personal community that offers true happiness—no matter what happens to the economy.

· Escape the plastic prison, and stop running to stand still
5 simple steps to eliminate credit card debt… and 5 more to start moving forward

· Shift your life's balance towards more positive, stronger relationships
Learn how to put the golden rule to work for you

· Discover the power of goals in a random world
Then, learn how to overcome inertia, and transform goals into reality

· Navigate the treacherous boundaries between love and money
Move towards deeper communication, greater honesty, and more courage

About the Author
Trent Hamm transformed his life, escaping both massive consumer debt and work he couldn't stand. He began sharing the lessons he learned through his website, The Simple Dollar (www.thesimpledollar.com), which has quickly grown into one of the nation's most

popular personal finance sites, attracting more than 600,000 visitors every month.

He is the author of 365 Ways to Live Cheap: Your Everyday Guide to Saving Money, and writes articlesthat are regularly syndicated to hundreds of small newspapersand newsletters.

Book Details

  • Paperback: 272 pages
  • Publisher: FT Press; 1 edition (June 24, 2010)
  • Language: English
  • ISBN-10: 0137054254
  • ISBN-13: 978-0137054251
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Marketing in the Moment: The Practical Guide to Using Web 3.0 Marketing to Reach Your Customers First - pdf

Marketing in the Moment: The Practical Guide to Using Web 3.0 Marketing to Reach Your Customers FirstBook Description
"With the rapid change for marketers and businesses, knowing the right thing to do is a must. It's do or die. Marketing in the Moment gives the reader the right tools to win and now!"

Jeffrey Hayzlett, Chief Marketing Officer of Kodak, author of The Mirror Test

"The online marketing world is changing fast, and nobody knows for sure what's coming next. This book can help you be better prepared for the changes that are already afoot."

Tony Hsieh, CEO of Zappos, author of Delivering Happiness

"Why go to an expensive Internet marketing course when everything you need for Web 3.0 is right here? With Internet marketing growing by leaps and bounds, it might seem difficult to keep up. But after reading Tasner's book, learning his many easy-to-learn practical strategies, I'm ready to conquer the Internet. I strongly recommend this book."

Joseph Sugarman, Chairman of BluBlocker Corporation, author of Advertising Secrets of the Written Word

"This powerful book is loaded with great ideas to help you attract more customers and make more sales–immediately!"

Brian Tracy, author of The Art of Closing the Sale

"If you cannot generate money online after implementing the realistic insights and strategies revealed in Tasner's book, Marketing in the Moment, then throw in the towel–game over!"

Joel Bauer, author, speaker, and mentor

With the explosion in Web, mobile, and social media marketing channels, you have an extraordinary array of new marketing options to choose from. Which ones work? How do you make them work–without wasting a fortune on trial and error? Get this book, that's how!

Top Web marketing consultant Michael Tasner has written the definitive practical guide to driving maximum value from next-generation Web, online, mobile, and social marketing. Drawing from his innovative marketing techniques, Tasner has written the first book on Web 3.0 marketing. Tasner helps marketers, entrepreneurs, and managers move beyond hype and high-level strategy to proven tactics and successful ground-level execution.

You'll discover which new marketing technologies deliver the best results and which hardly ever pay for themselves…how to use virtual collaboration to accomplish marketing projects faster and at lower cost…how to build realistic, practical action plans for the next three months, six months, and twelve months.

Whatever you sell, wherever you compete, no matter how large or small your company is, this book will help you build leads, traffic, sales, market share–and profits!

  • Capitalizing on the new "content marketing"
    The megashift from blogging to microblogging–and what it means to you
  • A world run by smartphones: iPhones, BlackBerrys, and beyond
    Reaching a billion cellphone users: SMS, MMS, mobile ads, voice broadcasts, and more
  • Plurk? UStream? Joost? Tumblr? iGoogle?
    Profiting from the sites and tools you may never have heard of
  • Your Web marketing 360-degree review
    Systematically optimizing everything you're already doing online

From the Back Cover
This is the complete, practical, no-fluff desk reference to next generation online and mobile marketing. Drawing on his extensive experience helping companies of all sizes successfully utilize the web, mobile marketing, and social media, Michael Tasner helps marketers, entrepreneurs and managers move beyond hype and high-level strategy to proven tactics and successful ground-level execution. Tasner distills all of today's new options into the key trends that offer the greatest opportunities for today's marketers. Coverage includes: Identifying the new marketing technologies that are most likely to drive value — and avoiding those that won't. Capitalizing on today's fastest-growing online marketing trend.  Utilizing "Web 3.0" approaches to increase leads, traffic, and sales, reach new markets, and grow share in existing markets.  Prioritizing your online marketing initiatives for maximum impact. Collaborating virtually with your entire marketing team to accomplish more at lower cost.  Creating focused action plans for the next three, six, and twelve months.

About the Author
Michael Tasner has been called by many as one of the top online marketing experts in the world. He runs a large online marketing and design firm that works with the most high-profile speakers, authors, consultants, and entrepreneurs in the world. These businesses hire and trust him to run their entire online marketing campaigns from A to Z. He has also consulted with numerous Fortune 1000 companies, teaching them how to implement the latest and greatest Web efforts in their marketing.

The best part: He plays both sides of the fence. Not only does he run Taz Solutions, Inc., but he trains others how to market on their own. His experience is backed by more than ten years of in-the-trenches work. During those ten years, he has started and sold four successful Web firms based on the traffic they were generating.

Michael lives in Niagara Falls, NY with his wife, Anna, and twin boys, Connor and Logan.

Book Details

  • Hardcover: 256 pages
  • Publisher: FT Press; 1 edition (June 28, 2010)
  • Language: English
  • ISBN-10: 013708109X
  • ISBN-13: 978-0137081097
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Doing Both: How Cisco Captures Today’s Profit and Drives Tomorrow’s Growth - pdf

Doing Both: How Cisco Captures Todays Profit and Drives Tomorrows GrowthBook Description
"Doing Both shows how Cisco turns business questions into market answers, offering real-life examples that will benefit forward-looking leaders."
—Jeff Immelt, Chairman and CEO, GE

"The best business books build around a single idea, often contrarian and counterintuitive. Everyone knows you can't have your cake and eat it, too. One of the first things you learn at business school is that management is about making difficult choices. Well, not always. This book persuades the reader that in decision making 'and' is often better than 'or.' Well worth the read."
—Sir Terry Leahy, CEO, Tesco

"Companies are often confronted with false choices, such as disruptive or sustaining innovation and optimization or reinvention. This book draws on Cisco's impressive track record over the last decade to illustrate that the correct strategy is always to do both."
—Ratan Tata, Chairman, Tata Group

"I have a very short personal list of 'most-admired companies,' and Cisco is one of them. Its management team has figured out how to break many 'either-or' tradeoffs that limit most companies' abilities to innovate and grow. This book is a lucid, cogent chronicle of how they do this. Your entire management team should read it."
—Clayton Christensen, Robert & Jane Cizik Professor of Business Administration, Harvard Business School, and author of The Innovator's Dilemma

"Insightful recommendations from a key executive within Cisco, the game-changing leader in networking for the Internet."
—Garth Saloner, Philip H. Knight Professor, and Dean, Graduate School of Business, Stanford University

"Doing Both brings together many powerful lessons behind the story of Cisco, a company with a long record of delivering consistent innovation and strong business results. I encourage senior executives to embrace the challenges presented in this thoughtful book."
—Dominic Barton, Global Managing Director, McKinsey & Company

Over the past seven years, in a highly unstable global economy, Cisco doubled revenue, tripled profits, and quadrupled earnings per share. How? By Doing Both. When companies face key strategic decisions, they often take one path and abandon the other. They focus on innovation and new business at the expense of core businesses or vice versa. They stress discipline and sacrifice flexibility. They focus on customers and ignore partners. And they struggle. Cisco believes there is a better way: Doing Both. Doing Both means approaching every decision as an opportunity to seize, not a sacrifice to endure. It means avoiding false choices, reduced expectations, and weak compromises. It means finding ways to make each option benefit and mutually reinforce the other. In this book, Cisco Senior Vice President Inder Sidhu explains why "doing both" is today's best strategy. Then, drawing on Cisco's hardwon insights and the experiences of companies like Procter & Gamble, Whirlpool, and Harley-Davidson, Inder presents a complete blueprint for "doing both" in your organization, too.

Win by Doing Both!

• Sustaining and Disruptive Innovation
• Existing and New Business Models
• Optimization and Reinvention
• Satisfied Customers and Gratified Partners
• Established and Emerging Countries
• Doing Things Right and Doing What Matters
• Superstar Performers and Winning Teams
• Authoritative Leadership and Democratic Decision Making

From the Back Cover
Innovate for the future or optimize the present?
Reach new markets or build existing ones?
Don't choose. Don't settle.
Do both. Here's how.

Over the past seven years, Cisco's Doing Both strategy has doubled revenue, tripled profits, and quadrupled earnings per share. This insider guide reveals how Cisco did it–and how you can, too.

Doing Both means approaching every decision as an opportunity to seize, not a sacrifice to endure. It means avoiding false choices, reduced expectations, and weak compromises. It means finding ways to make each option benefit and mutually reinforce the other.

In this book, Cisco Senior Vice President Inder Sidhu explains why "doing both" is today's best growth strategy. Then, drawing on Cisco's hard-won insights and the experiences of companies like Procter & Gamble, Whirlpool, and Harley-Davidson, Sidhu presents a complete blueprint for "doing both" in your company, too.

About the Author
Inder Sidhu is Senior Vice President of Strategy and Planning for Worldwide Operations at Cisco, the $40 billion worldwide leader in networking for the Internet. A member of the company's Operating Committee, Inder also co-leads Cisco's Emerging Countries Council, which drives business success in fast-growing geographies like China, India, Brazil, Mexico, and the Middle East. From 2006—2009, Inder co-led the Enterprise Business Council, which is responsible for Cisco's corporate business, representing about half of the company's total revenue. Before joining Cisco in 1995, Inder was with McKinsey & Company, an international management consulting company. He has also worked at Intel and Novell.

Book Details

  • Hardcover: 224 pages
  • Publisher: FT Press; 1 edition (June 6, 2010)
  • Language: English
  • ISBN-10: 0137083645
  • ISBN-13: 978-0137083640
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City of Dust: Illness, Arrogance, and 9/11 - pdf

City of Dust: Illness, Arrogance, and 9/11Book Description
On 9/11, the destruction of the World Trade Center unleashed a vortex of dust and ash that blotted out the sun–and has distorted science, medicine, and public policy ever since.

The likely dangers of 9/11's massive dust cloud were evident from the beginning, yet thousands chose not to see, even as the sickening results of exposure became increasingly difficult to ignore. Why? And why have years of politics and courtroom maneuvers delayed justice for those who gave their all when the need was greatest? Anthony DePalma goes beyond his front-page coverage of ground zero in The New York Times, offering the first full accounting of one of the gravest environmental catastrophes in U.S. history. He separates myth from reality…reveals the decisions that destroyed public trust…shares powerful, never-before-told stories of the victims and those who've tried to help them…and helps us make sure this never happens again.

• They said the air was safe
The health myths and realities of 9/11–and the decade of suspicion and fear that followed

• "This smells different. It tastes different."
The firefighters who couldn't breathe, and the doctors who treated them

• Sound bites, arrogance, scorn, and invective
New Yorkers versus the political and legal system

• A comprehensive look at what lies ahead
The ongoing impact for the thousands who were directly affected, and lessons for the future

From the Back Cover
On 9/11, the destruction of the World Trade Center unleashed a vortex of dust and ash that blotted out the sun–and has distorted science, medicine, and public policy ever since.

The likely dangers of 9/11's massive dust cloud were evident from the beginning, yet thousands chose not to see, even as the sickening results of exposure became increasingly difficult to ignore. Why? And why have years of politics and courtroom maneuvers delayed justice for those who gave their all when the need was greatest? Anthony DePalma goes beyond his front-page coverage of ground zero in The New York Times, offering the first full accounting of one of the gravest environmental catastrophes in U.S. history. He separates myth from reality…reveals the decisions that destroyed public trust…shares powerful, never-before-told stories of the victims and those who've tried to help them…and helps us make sure this never happens again.

• They said the air was safe
The health myths and realities of 9/11–and the decade of suspicion and fear that followed

• "This smells different. It tastes different."
The firefighters who couldn't breathe, and the doctors who treated them

• Sound bites, arrogance, scorn, and invective
New Yorkers versus the political and legal system

• A comprehensive look at what lies ahead
The ongoing impact for the thousands who were directly affected, and lessons for the future

About the Author
Anthony DePalma spent 22 years as a reporter and foreign correspondent for The New York Times. After 9/11, he wrote many of the Times’ Pulitzer Prize winning “Portraits of Grief”, and spent four years covering the environmental and health consequences of Ground Zero for the paper. In 2008, he became writer in residence at Seton Hall University. A 2007 Emmy finalist for “Toxic Legacy,” he previously earned the prestigious Maria Moors Cabot Prize for distinguished international reporting. DePalma’s books include Here: A Biography of the New American Continent and The Man Who Invented Fidel.

Book Details

  • Hardcover: 352 pages
  • Publisher: FT Press; 1 edition (August 26, 2010)
  • Language: English
  • ISBN-10: 0131385666
  • ISBN-13: 978-0131385665
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Coaching Agile Teams: A Companion for ScrumMasters, Agile Coaches, and Project Managers in Transition - pdf

Coaching Agile Teams: A Companion for ScrumMasters, Agile Coaches, and Project Managers in TransitionBook Description
The Provocative and Practical Guide to Coaching Agile Teams

As an agile coach, you can help project teams become outstanding at agile, creating products that make them proud and helping organizations reap the powerful benefits of teams that deliver both innovation and excellence.

More and more frequently, ScrumMasters and project managers are being asked to coach agile teams. But it's a challenging role. It requires new skills—as well as a subtle understanding of when to step in and when to step back. Migrating from "command and control" to agile coaching requires a whole new mind-set.

In Coaching Agile Teams, Lyssa Adkins gives agile coaches the insights they need to adopt this new mind-set and to guide teams to extraordinary performance in a re-energized work environment. You'll gain a deep view into the role of the agile coach, discover what works and what doesn't, and learn how to adapt powerful skills from many allied disciplines, including the fields of professional coaching and mentoring.

Coverage includes

  • Understanding what it takes to be a great agile coach
  • Mastering all of the agile coach's roles: teacher, mentor, problem solver, conflict navigator, and performance coach
  • Creating an environment where self-organized, high-performance teams can emerge
  • Coaching teams past cooperation and into full collaboration
  • Evolving your leadership style as your team grows and changes
  • Staying actively engaged without dominating your team and stunting its growth
  • Recognizing failure, recovery, and success modes in your coaching
  • Getting the most out of your own personal agile coaching journey

Whether you're an agile coach, leader, trainer, mentor, facilitator, ScrumMaster, project manager, product owner, or team member, this book will help you become skilled at helping others become truly great. What could possibly be more rewarding?

From the Back Cover
Everything You Need to Know and Do to Coach Your Agile Project Team to Success!

As an agile coach, you can help project teams become outstanding at agile development, creating products that make them proud and helping organizations reap the powerful benefits of teams that deliver both innovation and excellence.

More and more frequently, ScrumMasters and project managers are being asked to coach agile teams. However, the role of coach is a challenging one that often doesn't exist in traditional application development. Migrating from "command and control" to agile coaching requires new skills and a whole new mindset. In Coaching Agile Teams, leading agile coach Lyssa Adkins helps you master both so you can guide your agile teams to extraordinary performance.

This practical book is packed with ideas, best practices, and checklists you can start using immediately. All of it reflects Adkins's own hard-won experience transitioning to agile coaching from traditional, large-scale project management, including the remarkable lessons she's learned from the teams she's worked with. You'll gain deep insight into the role of the agile coach, discover what works and what doesn't, and learn how to adapt powerful skills from the fields of professional coaching and mentoring.

Coverage includes

  • Understanding what it takes to be a great agile coach
  • Mastering all of the agile coach's roles: teacher, mentor, problem solver, conflict navigator, and performance coach
  • Moving from agile team member or project leader to coach
  • Creating an environment where self-organized, high-performance teams can emerge
  • Coordinating collaboration
  • Evolving your leadership style as your team grows and changes
  • Staying actively engaged without dominating your team and stunting its growth
  • Operating in failure, recovery, and success modes
  • Getting the most out of your own personal agile coaching journey

Whether you're an agile coach, leader, trainer, mentor, facilitator, ScrumMaster, project manager, product owner, or team member, this book will help you become skilled at helping others become truly great. What could possibly be more rewarding?

About the Author
Lyssa Adkins has taught Scrum to hundreds of students, coached many agile teams, and served as master coach to many apprentice coaches since 2004. Coaching coaches one-on-one and in small groups, she enjoys a front-row seat as remarkable agile coaches emerge and go on to entice the very best from the teams they coach. Prior to agile, Adkins had more than fifteen years of expertise leading project teams and groups of project managers in large and small consulting firms, commercial software companies, and the Fortune 500, yet nothing prepared her for the power of agile done simply and well. She teaches the "Coaching Agile Teams" training course, which allows agile coaches to learn, practice, and deepen the skills and mind-sets offered in the book.

Book Details

  • Paperback: 352 pages
  • Publisher: Addison-Wesley Professional; 1 edition (May 28, 2010)
  • Language: English
  • ISBN-10: 0321637704
  • ISBN-13: 978-0321637703
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Pro SQL Server 2008 Analysis Services - pdf

Pro SQL Server 2008 Analysis ServicesBook Description
Every business has a reams of business data locked away in databases, business systems, and spreadsheets. While you may be able to build some reports by pulling a few of these repositories together, actually performing any kind of analysis on the data that runs your business can range from problematic to impossible. Pro SQL Server 2008 Analysis Services will show you how to pull that data together and present it for reporting and analysis in a way that makes the data accessible to business users, instead of needing to rely on the IT department every time someone needs a different report.

  • Accessible–With a single author’s voice, this book conducts a guided tour through the technology that makes it easy to dive into.
  • Solution–oriented–While technically deep, the goal is to focus on practical application of the technologies instead of acting as a technical manual.
  • ComprehensiveThis book covers every aspect of Analysis Services and ancillary technologies to enable you to make the most of SQL Server.

What you’ll learn

  • Understand the importance of OLAP and Analysis Services technologies.
  • Build cubes and dimensions that let you get business value out of large volumes of data.
  • Learn the fundamentals of MDX–the query language for advanced analysis.
  • Apply ancillary aspects of SSAS: KPIs, perspectives, and calculated members.
  • Apply basic data mining concepts–identify answers to questions you weren’t even aware you should ask.
  • Learn the various ways to consume Analysis Services data (Reporting Services, Excel, and ProClarity).

Who is this book for?
Pro SQL Server 2008 Analysis Services is aimed at developers who want to take advantage of SQL Server’s built-in business intelligence functionality to mine their data and produce reports that can drive business forward in right and profitable directions. The book is secondarily aimed at database administrators charged with supporting Analysis Services solutions.

About the Apress Pro Series
The Apress Pro series books are practical, professional tutorials to keep you on and moving up the professional ladder.

You have gotten the job, now you need to hone your skills in these tough competitive times. The Apress Pro series expands your skills and expertise in exactly the areas you need. Master the content of a Pro book, and you will always be able to get the job done in a professional development project. Written by experts in their field, Pro series books from Apress give you the hard–won solutions to problems you will face in your professional programming career.

About the Author
Philo Janus is a senior technology specialist with Microsoft. Over the years he has presented InfoPath to thousands of users and developers, and assisted with enterprise implementations of InfoPath solutions. With that background, he is particularly sensitive to the difficulties users and developers have had with InfoPath.

He graduated from the US Naval Academy with a BSEE in 1989 to face a challenging career in the US Navy. After driving an aircraft carrier around the Pacific Ocean and a guided missile frigate through both the Suez and Panama Canals, and serving in the US Embassy in Cairo, a small altercation between his bicycle and an auto indicated a change of career (some would say that landing on his head in that accident would explain many things).

Philo’s software development career started with building a training and budgeting application in Access 2.0 in 1995. Since then he’s worked with Oracle, Visual Basic, SQL Server, and .NET building applications for federal agencies, commercial firms, and conglomerates. In 2003 he joined Microsoft as a technology specialist evangelizing Office as a development platform.

Guy Fouché is a business intelligence and decision support system consultant in the Dallas, Texas, area. Guy spends his evenings playing one of his eight trumpets and expanding his composition skills using the current generation of music technologies. On the weekend, he puts as many miles as he can on his bright yellow Honda F4i sport motorcycle. Guy and Jodi enjoy taking nine-day trips in their Jeep 4×4, taking photographs and writing travelogs along the way. You can view their photography at http://photography.fouche.ws.

Book Details

  • Paperback: 480 pages
  • Publisher: Apress; 1 edition (June 18, 2010)
  • Language: English
  • ISBN-10: 1430219955
  • ISBN-13: 978-1430219958
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Pro SharePoint 2010 Solution Development: Combining .NET, SharePoint, and Office - pdf

Pro SharePoint 2010 Solution Development: Combining .NET, SharePoint, and OfficeBook Description
This book takes a practical problem-solution approach to common business challenges. You'll not only encounter interesting code samples, but also see how to combine these examples with the Microsoft collaboration platform's services. The book's solutions focus on using Visual Studio 2008 and its built-in Office development tools to construct the user interface layer. And solutions can interact with SharePoint as a service provider, taking advantage of SharePoint's many collaboration features like document repositories, collaboration sites, and search functions.

This book is unique because it starts with challenges that end users deal with every day when using the Microsoft collaboration platform to support business processes. The solutions are presented as hypothetical business challenges of a fictional company. By presenting the examples in this context, author Ed Hild makes it easier to relate to the challenges and solution value. The goal of these examples is to build applications that apply the benefits of the Office desktop interface to the richness of SharePoint collaboration features. This book will help you develop real-world solutions to complex business problems and challenges.

What you'll learn

  • Delve into an end-to-end walkthrough in each chapter of a practical business challenge.
  • See code samples, UI design, and platform integration all in the context of real-world problems.
  • Discover custom code and implementation advice for popular Office and SharePoint features like custom web parts, Office add-ins, SharePoint features, workflow, the Business Data Catalog, Outlook form regions, the Office Open XML file format, and more.

Who is this book for?
This book is of great value to intermediate and advanced developers working on enterprise applications based on the Microsoft Office or SharePoint systems, or working on integration projects with third-party vendors.

About the Author
Ed Hild’s first job after college was as a math and computer science teacher at Walt Whitman High School in Bethesda, MD. After upgrading the curriculum, he decided to practice what he was teaching and moved into consulting. Ed soon felt the teaching itch again and took a position teaching MCSD and MCSE courses for a technical education center as well as developing the software that would run the franchise. Ed gained most of his development experience at his next position, which was as the director of technology at e.magination (a Microsoft partner in Baltimore, MD). There he worked for several years building web applications for a wide variety of customers using Microsoft technologies. He was then lured to Microsoft and now works as the collaboration technology architect in the Microsoft Technology Center in Reston, VA.

Book Details

  • Paperback: 392 pages
  • Publisher: Apress; 1 edition (June 18, 2010)
  • Language: English
  • ISBN-10: 1430227818
  • ISBN-13: 978-1430227816
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More iPhone Cool Projects - pdf

More iPhone Cool ProjectsBook Description
Everyone is developing iPhone applications, and it's clear why. The iPhone is the coolest mobile device available, and the App Store makes it simple to get an application out into the unstoppable iPhone app market. With hundreds of thousands of app developers entering the game, it's crucial to learn from those who have actually succeeded. This book shows you how some of the most innovative and creative iPhone application developers have developed cool, best-selling apps.

Not only does every successful application have a story, but behind every great app is excellent code. In this book, you'll see the code and learn how to use it to make your own cool applications. You'll learn everything from how Joost works to the Unity game engine, from the mathematics of visual processing to the latest Flash and iPhone projects. This book shares the secrets of the coolest iPhone apps being built today by the best iPhone developers—invaluable knowledge for anyone who wants to create the app that everyone is talking about.

What you'll learn

  • Game development with Unity and iPhone OpenGL
  • Unit testing and iPhone-specific testing tools
  • How to approach and solve complex app development roadblocks
  • The best code fully explained and presented with screenshots

Who this book is for
iPhone application developers of all experience levels and development platforms

About the Author
Ben Britten Smith has been writing software on Apple platforms for 15 years. Most notably he was given an Academy Awardf or Technical Achievement for his feature film work with Mac-based suspended camera control systems. Lately he has switched his efforts from the big screen to the small screen.

His first iPhone game, SnowDude, was published to the App Store a few months after the SDK became available.Since then he has written a dozen apps for various clients including the games: Snowferno, the award winning Mole – A quest for the Terracore Gem, and the Gambook Adventures series of games. Ben lives in Melbourne, Australia with his wife Leonie and their pet bunnies.

Scott Penberthy began coding shortly after the Apple II was launched in the 70's. His addiction to writing software fully bloomed with a scholarship to MIT, where he wrote a multiplayer online game that brought his school’s antique computer to its knees. After graduating, Scott took a job at IBM Research, the birthplace of IBM’s web products and services. After running up the corporate ladder in the 90's building massive web sites, he jettisoned in 2005 to return to his true love of coding. Now a successful entrepreneur, Scott runs an app studio in New York City.

Book Details

  • Paperback: 360 pages
  • Publisher: Apress; 1 edition (June 30, 2010)
  • Language: English
  • ISBN-10: 1430229225
  • ISBN-13: 978-1430229223
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[Fast] - Apress.More.iPhone.Cool.Projects.Jun.2010.rar

Building iPhone OS Accessories: Use the iPhone Accessories API to Control and Monitor Devices - pdf

Building iPhone OS Accessories: Use the iPhone Accessories API to Control and Monitor DevicesBook Description
This book provides a serious, in-depth look at Apple's External Accessory Framework and the iPhone Accessories API. You'll learn how to create new, integrated solutions that combine iPhone apps with dedicated hardware.

The iPhone OS Accessories API expands the opportunities for innovative iPhone developers, allowing you to control and monitor external devices, whether you've built them yourself or obtained them from a third party.

What you'll learn

  • Develop accessories and apps for the iPhone and iPod touch.
  • Use Apple's External Accessory Framework to create hardware/software interaction.
  • Control and monitor external devices using the iPhone Accessories API.
  • Use the specific controller classes within the iPhone OS SDK.
  • Build and control your own accessory.
  • Get your accessories approved by Apple's AE program.

Who this book is for
This book is for iPhone and iPod touch developers who want to write apps to control external accessories and hardware developers who want to create accessories for iPhone and iPod touch. This includes embedded systems programmers who have been left out of the iPhone gold rush until now.

The iPhone OS Accessories API expands the market of iPhone developers yet again, and this book is for all those developers wanting to use these new APIs to control and monitor external device—whether self-built or acquired from other sources.

Book Details

  • Paperback: 328 pages
  • Publisher: Apress; 1 edition (May 31, 2010)
  • Language: English
  • ISBN-10: 1430229314
  • ISBN-13: 978-1430229315
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Visual Basic 2010 Unleashed - pdf

Visual Basic 2010 UnleashedBook Description
Foreword by Beth Massi
Senior Program Manager, Microsoft Visual Studio

Visual Basic 2010 Unleashed is the most comprehensive, practical reference to modern object-oriented programming with Visual Basic 2010. Written by Visual Basic MVP Alessandro Del Sole, a long-time leader of the global VB community, this book illuminates the core of the VB language and demonstrates its effective use in a wide variety of programming scenarios.

Del Sole covers both Visual Basic 2010 Professional Edition for professional developers and the Express Edition for hobbyists, novices, and students. Writing for VB programmers at all levels of experience, he walks through using VB 2010 for data access, user interface development, networking, communication, and many other tasks. For those moving from structured languages–including VB 6–he offers detailed guidance on building effective object-oriented code. He also demonstrates how to make the most of Microsoft's underlying .NET platform to write more robust and powerful software.

This book's broad coverage includes advanced features such as generics and collections; a thorough introduction to the Visual Studio 2010 IDE and Visual Studio Team System; a full section on data access with ADO.NET and LINQ; practical overviews of WPF and WCF; coverage of web and cloud development with Silverlight and Azure; and advanced topics such as multithreading, testing, and deployment.

  • Understand the Visual Studio 2010 IDE, .NET Framework 4.0, and the anatomy of a VB 2010 application
  • Debug VB applications and implement error handling and exceptions
  • Build efficient object-oriented software with classes, objects, namespaces, and inheritance
  • Work with advanced object-oriented features, including interfaces, generics, delegates, events, and collections
  • Organize, create, and improve classes with the Visual Studio Class Designer
  • Access data with LINQ–including LINQ to Objects, SQL, DataSets, Entities, XML, and Parallel LINQ
  • Build modern Windows applications with WPF controls, brushes, styles, and templates
  • Develop web-centric applications using ASP.NET, Silverlight, and Windows Azure Services cloud computing
  • Create and consume WCF services and WCF Data Services
  • Use advanced .NET 4.0 platform capabilities, including assemblies, multithreading, parallel programming, P/Invoke, and COM interoperability
  • Perform advanced compilations with MSBuild
  • Localize and globalize VB 2010 client applications

Alessandro Del Sole, Microsoft MVP for Visual Basic, is well-known throughout the global VB community. He is community leader on the Italian VB Tips and Tricks website that serves more than 41,000 developers and a frequent contributor and blogger at MSDN's Visual Basic Developer Center. He is the author of three books about .NET development with Visual Basic.

Download all examples and source code presented in this book from informit.com/title/9780672331008
Category: Microsoft Programming
Covers: Visual Basic 2010
User Level: Intermediate

From the Back Cover
Visual Basic 2010 Unleashed is the most comprehensive, practical reference to modern object-oriented programming with Visual Basic 2010. Written by Visual Basic MVP Alessandro Del Sole, a long-time leader of the global VB community, this book illuminates the core of the VB language and demonstrates its effective use in a wide variety of programming scenarios.

Del Sole covers both Visual Basic 2010 Professional Edition for professional developers and the Express Edition for hobbyists, novices, and students. Writing for VB programmers at all levels of experience, he walks through using VB 2010 for data access, user interface development, networking, communication, and many other tasks. For those moving from structured languages—including VB 6—he offers detailed guidance on building effective object-oriented code. He also demonstrates how to make the most of Microsoft's underlying .NET platform to write more robust and powerful software.

This book's broad coverage includes advanced features such as generics and collections; a thorough introduction to the Visual Studio 2010 IDE and Visual Studio Team System; a full section on data access with ADO. NET and LINQ; practical overviews of WPF and WCF; coverage of web and cloud development with Silverlight and Azure; and advanced topics such

as multithreading, testing, and deployment.

  • Packed with practical examples, robust sample code, and expert tips from a leader of the worldwide VB community
  • Thoroughly covers both the Professional Edition for working developers and the Express Edition for hobbyists, novices, and students
  • Offers invaluable guidance for thousands of long-time VB developers who want to learn the right way to develop object-oriented software
  • About the Author
    Alessandro Del Sole, Microsoft MVP for Visual Basic, is well-known throughout the global VB community. He is community leader on the Italian VB Tips and Tricks website that serves more than 41,000 developers and a frequent contributor and blogger at MSDN's Visual Basic Developer Center. He is the author of three books about .NET development with Visual Basic.

    Book Details

    • Paperback: 1272 pages
    • Publisher: Sams; 1 edition (May 17, 2010)
    • Language: English
    • ISBN-10: 0672331004
    • ISBN-13: 978-0672331008
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    [Fast] - Sams.Visual.Basic.2010.Unleashed.May.2010.rar

    Easy Microsoft Office 2010 - pdf

    Easy Microsoft Office 2010Book Description
    SEE IT DONE. DO IT YOURSELF. It's that Easy! Easy Microsoft Office 2010 teaches you the basics of working with Excel, PowerPoint®, Outlook®, Word, OneNote®, and Office Web Apps. Fullyillustrated steps with simple instructions guide you through each task, building the skills you need to create and share documents, spreadsheets, presentations, email, calendars, and more. No need to feel intimidated–we'll hold your hand every step of the way.

    Learn how to…
    • Get started quickly with Word to format and print great looking documents using new QuickStyles, Cover Pages, and Quick Parts
    • Include tables, graphics, pictures, and diagrams in Word documents that improve the appearance and impact of your documents
    • Build flexible spreadsheets with charts, functions, Sparklines, and PivotTables
    • Use Excel to make calculations and analyze data in spreadsheets
    • Create, format, fine-tune, and deliver great PowerPoint presentations
    • Use the new Web Apps to safely share, review, and revise Office documents online
    • Keep track of important information from the Web with OneNote search and tagging features
    • Integrate your to-do lists, tasks, and appointments between OneNote and Outlook
    • Use Outlook's new features including conversation view to track email and stay in touch with colleagues and clients

    Easy steps guide you through each task.
    Items you select or click are shown in bold.
    Each step is fully illustrated.
    Category: Office Applications/Office 2010
    Covers: Microsoft Office 2010
    User Level: Beginner

    From the Back Cover
    This year, millions of new users will be searching for the easiest possible way to master Office 2010′s new features – and, with Easy Microsoft Office 2010, you’ll find exactly what you’re looking for. This full-color, utterly simple, step-by-step book has been carefully crafted to provide instant access to the 100+ tasks you’ll find most useful and valuable. As with all books in the Easy series, it’s designed to teach visually: you never have to work your way through lengthy text explanations. Its large typeface makes it even more accessible to all readers – especially senior readers whose needs are disregarded by most computer books. Written by an experienced Microsoft Office trainer and author, Easy Microsoft Office 2010 walks you through the easiest, fastest, most direct procedures for getting the results you’re looking for. This book offers tightly focused coverage of Office 2010′s core features and techniques, and powerful new enhancements such as: ” The updated customizable Ribbon and new Backstage full-screen options menu ” Vastly improved image and illustration tools ” Live Preview for tasks like Paste, Insert, or Theme change ” Improved integration with SharePoint services, Windows Live, and Office Web Apps

    • 100+ hands-on, step-by-step tasks show novices and inexperienced upgraders the easiest, fastest, most direct way to accomplish common tasks
    • Written by experienced Microsoft Office trainer and author
    • Fully revamped for Office 2010′s most powerful new tools and features
    • Large typeface improves readability and appeals to senior readers ignored by most computer books

    About the Author
    Tom Bunzel specializes in knowing what presenters need and how to make technology work. He has appeared on Tech TV's Call for Help as "Professor PowerPoint" and has been a featured speaker at InfoComm and PowerPoint LIVE. In addition, he has worked as a technology coach for corporations including Iomega, MTA Films, Nurses in Partnership, and the Neuroscience Education Institute. He has taught regularly at Learning Tree International, West LA College Extension, and privately around Southern California and does presentation and video consulting in Southern California.

    He has written a number of books; the latest was Master Visually Microsoft Office 2007. He also has served as the Office Reference Guide for InformIT. com. In 2006, he published Solving the PowerPoint Predicament: Using Digital Media for Effective Communication, which is a detailed, project-oriented approach to creating effective multimedia presentations. His new eBook, Do Your Own Ning Thing: A Step-By-Step Guide to Launching an Effective Social Network, is available at http://www.professorppt.com/ning_how.htm.

    Among Bunzel's other books are Sams Teach Yourself PowerPoint 2003 in 24 Hours, Easy Digital Music, Easy Creating CDs and DVDs, How to Use Ulead DVD Workshop, Digital Video on the PC, and the update to the PeachPit Press book Visual QuickStart Guide to PowerPoint 2002/2001.

    Book Details

    • Paperback: 312 pages
    • Publisher: Que; 1 edition (June 14, 2010)
    • Language: English
    • ISBN-10: 0789743280
    • ISBN-13: 978-0789743282
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    Core JavaServer Faces, 3rd Edition - pdf

    Core JavaServer Faces, 3rd EditionBook Description
    JavaServer Faces (JSF) is the standard Java EE technology for building web user interfaces. It provides a powerful framework for developing server-side applications, allowing you to cleanly separate visual presentation and application logic. JSF 2.0 is a major upgrade, which not only adds many useful features but also greatly simplifies the programming model by using annotations and "convention over configuration" for common tasks.

    To help you quickly tap into the power of JSF 2.0, the third edition of Core JavaServer™ Faces has been completely updated to make optimum use of all the new features. The book includes

    • Three totally new chapters on using Facelets tags for templating, building composite components, and developing Ajax applications
    • Guidance on building robust applications with minimal hand coding and maximum productivity–without requiring any knowledge of servlets or other low-level "plumbing"
    • A complete explanation of the basic building blocks–from using standard JSF tags, to working with data tables, and converting and validating input
    • Coverage of advanced tasks, such as event handling, extending the JSF framework, and connecting to external services
    • Solutions to a variety of common challenges, including notes on debugging and troubleshooting, in addition to implementation details and working code for features that are missing from JSF
    • Proven solutions, hints, tips, and "how-tos" show you how to use JSF effectively in your development projects

    Core JavaServer™ Faces, Third Edition, provides everything you need to master the powerful and time-saving features of JSF 2.0 and is the perfect guide for programmers developing Java EE 6 web apps on Glassfish or another Java EE 6-compliant application servers, as well as servlet runners such as Tomcat 6.

    From the Back Cover
    JavaServer Faces (JSF) is the standard Java EE technology for building web user interfaces. It provides a powerful framework for developing server-side applications, allowing you to cleanly separate visual presentation and application logic. JSF 2.0 is a major upgrade, which not only adds many useful features but also greatly simplifies the programming model by using annotations and "convention over configuration" for common tasks.

    To help you quickly tap into the power of JSF 2.0, the third edition of Core JavaServer™ Faces has been completely updated to make optimum use of all the new features. The book includes

    • Three totally new chapters on using Facelets tags for templating, building composite components, and developing Ajax applications
    • Guidance on building robust applications with minimal hand coding and maximum productivity–without requiring any knowledge of servlets or other low-level "plumbing"
    • A complete explanation of  the basic building blocks–from using standard JSF tags, to working with data tables, and converting and validating input
    • Coverage of advanced tasks, such as event handling, extending the JSF framework, and connecting to external services
    • Solutions to a variety of common challenges, including notes on debugging and troubleshooting, in addition to implementation details and working code for features that are missing from JSF
    • Proven solutions, hints, tips, and "how-tos" show you how to use JSF effectively in your development projects

    Core JavaServer™ Faces, Third Edition, provides everything you need to master the powerful and time-saving features of JSF 2.0 and is the perfect guide for programmers developing Java EE 6 web apps on Glassfish or another Java EE 6-compliant application servers, as well as servlet runners such as Tomcat 6.

    About the Author
    David Geary is president of Clarity Training Inc. (http://corewebdevelopment.com), a training and consulting company and is the author of eight books on Java technology, including the best-selling Graphic Java™ 2 series (1999), Advanced JavaServer Pages (2001), and Google™ Web Toolkit Solutions (2008), all from Prentice Hall. David is a member of the JSF expert group, a frequent speaker at many software conferences, a Java Champion, and is a three-time JavaOne Rock Star.

    Cay S. Horstmann is principal author of Core Java™ Volumes I & II, Eighth Edition (Prentice Hall, 2008). Cay is a professor of computer science at San Jose State University, a Java Champion, and a frequent speaker at computer industry conferences.

    Book Details

    • Paperback: 672 pages
    • Publisher: Prentice Hall; 3 edition (June 6, 2010)
    • Language: English
    • ISBN-10: 0137012896
    • ISBN-13: 978-0137012893
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    [Fast] - Prentice.Hall.Core.JavaServer.Faces.3rd.Edition.May.2010.rar

    The Jazz Process: Collaboration, Innovation, and Agility - pdf

    The Jazz Process: Collaboration, Innovation, and AgilityBook Description
    Build Software the Way Jazz Musicians Play Great Music!
    Experienced jazz musicians apply specific principles to collaborate, execute, and manage change in real time–delivering extraordinary innovation in the face of non-stop pressure and risk. Now, jazz musician and collaboration expert Adrian Cho shows how you can use the same principles to dramatically improve any team's performance.

    Cho systematically introduces the Jazz Process and demonstrates how it can help cross-functional teams improve teamwork, innovation, and execution. You'll learn new ways to encourage and integrate strong individual contributions from passionate and committed practitioners, and give them maximum autonomy while making sure your project's "music" never degenerates into chaotic "noise."

    Through multiple case studies, Cho shows you how high-performance teams achieve their success.

    • Master five core principles of working in teams: use just enough rules, employ top talent, put the team first, build trust and respect, and commit with passion
    • Establish a realistic framework for effective, continuous execution
    • Collaborate more effectively with team members, consumers, customers, partners, and suppliers
    • Master the essentials of team execution: listening for change, leading on demand, acting transparently, and making every contribution count
    • Reduce the "friction" associated with collaboration–and increase the synergy
    • Use form, tempo, pulse, and groove to maintain constructive momentum
    • Learn about the importance of healthy projects and teams
    • Innovate by exchanging ideas and taking the right measured risks
    • For every practitioner, leader, and manager interested in getting better results

    From the Back Cover
    Build Software the Way Jazz Musicians Play Great Music!
    Experienced jazz musicians apply specific principles to collaborate, execute, and manage change in real time–delivering extraordinary innovation in the face of non-stop pressure and risk. Now, jazz musician and collaboration expert Adrian Cho shows how you can use the same principles to dramatically improve any team's performance.

    Cho systematically introduces the Jazz Process and demonstrates how it can help cross-functional teams improve teamwork, innovation, and execution. You'll learn new ways to encourage and integrate strong individual contributions from passionate and committed practitioners, and give them maximum autonomy while making sure your project's "music" never degenerates into chaotic "noise."

    Through multiple case studies, Cho shows you how high-performance teams achieve their success.

    • Master five core principles of working in teams: use just enough rules, employ top talent, put the team first, build trust and respect, and commit with passion
    • Establish a realistic framework for effective, continuous execution
    • Collaborate more effectively with team members, consumers, customers, partners, and suppliers
    • Master the essentials of team execution: listening for change, leading on demand, acting transparently, and making every contribution count
    • Reduce the "friction" associated with collaboration–and increase the synergy
    • Use form, tempo, pulse, and groove to maintain constructive momentum
    • Learn about the importance of healthy projects and teams
    • Innovate by exchanging ideas and taking the right measured risks
    • For every practitioner, leader, and manager interested in getting better results

    About the Author
    Adrian Cho is exceptionally well-qualified to draw parallels between the worlds of jazz, business, and software. As a bassist and conductor, he leads the critically acclaimed symphonic jazz ensemble, Impressions in Jazz Orchestra. At IBM, he manages development of IBM® Rational® Team Concert™, the first product built on IBM's Jazz® team collaboration platform, as well as Rational's Collaborative Application Lifecycle Management project. As a manager of intellectual property, Adrian plays a key role in IBM's Eclipse open source and Jazz Open Commercial Software Development efforts and serves as an invited expert on the Eclipse Foundation IP Advisory Committee.

    Book Details

    • Paperback: 320 pages
    • Publisher: Addison-Wesley Professional; 1 edition (June 13, 2010)
    • Language: English
    • ISBN-10: 0321636457
    • ISBN-13: 978-0321636454
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    [Fast] - Addison.Wesley.The.Jazz.Process.May.2010.rar

    Agile Game Development with Scrum - pdf

    Agile Game Development with ScrumBook Description
    Deliver Better Games Faster, On Budget—And Make Game Development Fun Again!

    Game development is in crisis—facing bloated budgets, impossible schedules, unmanageable complexity, and death march overtime. It's no wonder so many development studios are struggling to survive. Fortunately, there is a solution. Scrum and Agile methods are already revolutionizing development outside the game industry. Now, long-time game developer Clinton Keith shows exactly how to successfully apply these methods to the unique challenges of game development.

    Keith has spent more than fifteen years developing games, seven of them with Scrum and agile methods. Drawing on this unparalleled expertise, he shows how teams can use Scrum to deliver games more efficiently, rapidly, and cost-effectively; craft games that offer more entertainment value; and make life more fulfilling for development teams at the same time.

    You'll learn to form successful agile teams that incorporate programmers, producers, artists, testers, and designers—and promote effective collaboration within and beyond those teams, throughout the entire process. From long-range planning to progress tracking and continuous integration, Keith offers dozens of tips, tricks, and solutions—all based firmly in reality and hard-won experience.

    Coverage includes

    • Understanding Scrum's goals, roles, and practices in the context of game development
    • Communicating and planning your game's vision, features, and progress
    • Using iterative techniques to put your game into a playable state every two to four weeks— even daily
    • Helping all team participants succeed in their roles
    • Restoring stability and predictability to the development process
    • Managing ambiguous requirements in a fluid marketplace
    • Scaling Scrum to large, geographically distributed development teams
    • Getting started: overcoming inertia and integrating Scrum into your studio's current processes

    Increasingly, game developers and managers are recognizing that things can't go on the way they have in the past. Game development organizations need a far better way to work. Agile Game Development with Scrum gives them that—and brings the profitability, creativity, and fun back to game development.

    From the Back Cover
    Deliver Better Games Faster, on Budget—And Make Game Development Fun Again!

    Game development is in crisis—facing bloated budgets, impossible schedules, unmanageable complexity, and death march overtime. It's no wonder so many development studios are struggling to survive. Fortunately, there is a solution. Scrum and Agile methods are already revolutionizing development outside the game industry. Now, long-time game developer Clinton Keith shows exactly how to successfully apply them to the unique challenges of game development.

    Keith has spent more than fifteen years developing games, seven of them with Scrum and agile methods. Drawing on this unparalleled expertise, he shows how teams can use Scrum to deliver games more efficiently, rapidly, and cost-effectively; craft games that offer more entertainment value; and make life more fulfilling for themselves at the same time.

    You'll learn to form successful Agile teams that incorporate programmers, producers, artists, testers, and designers—and promote effective collaboration within and beyond those teams, throughout the entire process. From long-range planning to progress tracking and continuous integration, Keith offers dozens of tips, tricks, and solutions—all based firmly in reality and hard-won experience.

    Coverage includes

    • Understanding Scrum's goals, roles, and practices in the context of game development
    • Communicating and planning your game's vision, features, and progress
    • Using iterative techniques to put your game into a playable state every two to four weeks, even daily.
    • Helping all team participants succeed in their roles
    • Restoring stability and predictability to the development process
    • Managing ambiguous requirements in a fluid marketplace
    • Scaling Scrum to large, geographically distributed development teams
    • Getting started: overcoming inertia and integrating Scrum into your studio's current processes

    Increasingly, game developers and managers are recognizing that things can't go on the way they have in the past. Game development organizations need a far better way to work. Agile Game Development with Scrum gives them that—and brings the profitability, creativity, and fun back to game development.

    About the Author
    Clinton Keith is an independent agile coach and Certified Scrum Trainer who helps game developers and nongame developers alike adopt Scrum, Extreme Programming, kanban, and other agile practices to greatly improve their productivity, workplace, and product quality.

    Over the course of 25 years, Clint has gone from programming avionics for advanced fighter jets and underwater robots to overseeing programming for
    hit video games such as Midtown Madness and Midnight Club. Clint has been a programmer, project director, CTO, and director of product development at
    several studios. Through a series of presentations and his popular blog, Clint introduced the video game industry to Scrum in 2005. As CTO, Clint helped High Moon Studios achieve a place on IT Week Magazine's Top 50 Technology Innovators list in 2005 and 2006 and win several of San Diego Society for HR Management's Workplace Excellence Awards in 2005, 2006, and 2007.

    Book Details

    • Paperback: 384 pages
    • Publisher: Addison-Wesley Professional; 1 edition (June 2, 2010)
    • Language: English
    • ISBN-10: 0321618521
    • ISBN-13: 978-0321618528
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    Beginning Microsoft Excel 2010 - pdf

    Beginning Microsoft Excel 2010Book Description
    Beginning Microsoft Excel 2010 is a practical, step-by-step guide to getting started with the world's most widely used spreadsheet application. The book offers a hands-on approach to learning how to create and edit spreadsheets, use various calculation formulas, employ charts/graphs, and get work done efficiently.

    Microsoft is rolling out several new features with Excel 2010—perhaps the most notable is the ability to use Excel 2010 online and this collaborate on a project in real time. Beginning Microsoft Office 2010 keeps you up-to-date with all of these new features and more.

    What you'll learn

    • What distinguishes 2010 from its immediate predecessor
    • What distinguishes 2010 from Excel 2003
    • Get started with data entry and formatting
    • How to get started with formula writing skills
    • Get started with database capabilities, including pivot tables
    • How to get started with charting

    Who this book is for
    This book is for those new to Excel and for those who have used Excel in the past but are new to Excel 2010.

    Book Details

    • Paperback: 408 pages
    • Publisher: Apress; 1 edition (June 30, 2010)
    • Language: English
    • ISBN-10: 1430229551
    • ISBN-13: 978-1430229551
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    LEGO MINDSTORMS NXT-G Programming Guide, 2nd Edition - pdf

    LEGO MINDSTORMS NXT G Programming Guide, 2nd EditionBook Description
    James Kelly's LEGO MINDSTORMS NXT-G Programming Guide, Second Edition is a fountain of wisdom and ideas for those looking to master the art of programming LEGO's MINDSTORMS NXT robotics kits. This second edition is fully-updated to cover all the latest features and parts in the NXT 2.0 series. It also includes exercises at the end of each chapter and other content suggestions from educators and other readers of the first edition.

    LEGO MINDSTORMS NXT-G Programming Guide, 2nd Edition focuses on the NXT-G programming language. Readers 10-and-up learn to apply NXT-G to real-life problems such as moving and turning, locating objects based upon their color, making decisions, and much more. Perfect for for those who are new to programming, the book covers the language, the underlying mathematics, and explains how to calibrate and adjust robots for best execution of their programming.

    • Provides programming techniques and easy-to-follow examples for each and every programming block
    • Includes homework-style exercises for use by educators
    • Gives clear instructions on how to build a test robot for use in running the example programs

    What you'll learn

    • Understand the basics of computer and robotic programming
    • Easily program your robot using the NXT-G 1.0 and 2.0 visual programming languages
    • Learn real-world techniques for moving, waiting, deciding, and much more.
    • Get familiar with new hardware such as the color sensor included in the NXT 2.0 kit
    • Control your robot manually from a remote control device
    • Learn basic math principles that will make you a better programmer

    Who this book is for
    This book is for people 10-years-old and up who are new to programming, or who are new to the NXT-G programming language. The book also appeals to educators who use NXT-G as a vehicle for teaching about robotics and programming principles.

    About the Author
    James Floyd Kelly is a freelance writer living in Atlanta, Georgia, with degrees in English and Industrial Engineering. He is editor-in-chief of the world's most popular LEGO NXT robotics blog, thenxtstep.com, which continues to draw an estimated 50,000+ readers monthly, and is the author of three Apress LEGO robotics books including his latest, LEGO MINDSTORMS NXT 2.0: The King's Treasure. James has also written on topics including building custom computers and free software, and he just completed Build Your Own CNC Machine, which shows readers how to build their very own computer controlled machine that cuts, drills, etches, and more. He and his wife have a 3 year old son and have another little boy on the way.

    Book Details

    • Paperback: 336 pages
    • Publisher: Apress; 2 edition (June 18, 2010)
    • Language: English
    • ISBN-10: 1430229764
    • ISBN-13: 978-1430229766
    Download [Normal] - Apress.LEGO.MINDSTORMS.NXT.G.Programming.Guide.2nd.Edition.Jun.2010.rar (6.3 MiB, 982 hits)
    [Direct] - Apress.LEGO.MINDSTORMS.NXT.G.Programming.Guide.2nd.Edition.Jun.2010.rar
    [Fast] - Apress.LEGO.MINDSTORMS.NXT.G.Programming.Guide.2nd.Edition.Jun.2010.rar